Thursday, July 17, 2008

This is not my story.

A is telling B about C.." C nih sombong laa..berlagak lah..macam bagus la..yadda..yadda.."

Tapi kat blakang B, Si A nih click plak dengan C..boleh plak lepak
sama..makan sama..boleh calling-calling lagik.. apa hal weh?! Mana segala
kata-kata cemuhan mu itu? Kalau aku jd B pun..aku malas nak layan hypocrite
macam si A..

Ok habis citer..

im still waiting for a call from company yg aku attend interview hari
tuh..actually nye, last friday theboss yg interview aku almost a month ago
gave me a call..tanya wether im still interested for the which i
replied..."yeahh of koz!!"
Pada mulanya aku dah macam rasa utk lupakan ajelah yg aku pernah attend the
interview before since dah quite sometime already.. but after i rcv the
call last friday..aku macam berbunga-bunga lah plak, which i think the
chance is there. He said that he will ask the HRgirl to contact me for
further details.tapi sampai laaaa nih pun takde call ke ..missed call ke
from that company number...iskk apa lah HR dorang ni tak buat kerja ke?? or
should i call them and tell them i'm ready for second interview?
haihhh..alahaiiii..letih lah kalau macam nih..amik their own sweet time nak
process further..makes me think twice 'betol ke aku nak kerja kat company
nih?'..kang dibuatnye dorang amik own sweet time nak byr gaji haku...mau
nye aku tak amuk?? just telling myself that they are not going to call me...period!.

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