Sunday, August 10, 2008

Heeeyaaa!! I think im too lazy to update this space nowadays..sometimes i do have too many to tell but somehow i just cant put it all in words, sometimes there are nuthing to babble about which i think better not to write craps!

Well not too late to wish Tis for her new baby born..Mohd Darwish Mirza (hope i heard it rite) and Irma for her second baby ( tak tau lg nama dia apa.will check!)..and not to forget to Zaza & Alfian on her wedding yesterday. Credits to Wawa for her entry..hehe Thanks Wa!..

Ok. Nabila got her new ride, finally..phew!! at last theHubster approved on my idea to buy Nabila a new stroller..nampak lagik chic and easy to manoeuver..i like!! so the new ride is something look like this..but in red colour..

(pic from

And on the same day itself, theHubster got himself a new toy jugak.. a new handphone in gold color!!..hehheh..shiokk laa..sorang dapat stroller baru..and sorang lg dapat hp now im using theHubster ol hp..since im still not decided wether to buy or not to buy a new ones.

Oklaa people..tomorrow the boss and SE takde so i have all day on to get my beauty sleep now..taa!!

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