Sunday, November 2, 2008

What i hate most nowadays.. is to type in username and to key in password...malas gilerrrr okeh!

Oklah..alang-alang dah tertaip username n password nih baik aku type enty sekali kan?

Random entries:-

1.Im at my 4th blooming months far kurang alahan and maself is getting heavier.. my weight now. 53kgs...hmmmmm

2.Macam dah tau jek gender but me not telling!

3.Im sooo into eye make up nowadays but..hmm minat tgk lah..cubaan memakai beria-ria belom lagik...

4.Pedas and panas food is on top of my list of my way of elakkan my loya-ness...breakfast pagi boleh makan soto nasik panas-panas plus sambal kicap banyak-banyak..sangat lah heavenly...

5.Ada sekejap hari tuh aku menjadi kemaruk akan japanese food..rasa macam nak makan sushi dan salmon hari-hari..nasib baik skejap jek..sekarang takde lah rasa sgt..heheh giler punya craving...

6. Im happy to get my new spect but sad coz making my husband rm500 poorer.. :(

7.Eiii stop lah asking me to wear those baggy bajus..i like to show off my blooming tummy..haa! korang nak kata apa?
hmm kalau aku nak pakai seketat macam nih ada lg org nak bising ke?

(pic :

ok dah..habis geram dah..

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