Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Aku cuti hari okeh sbb sebelum nih aku akan cuti dulu baru apply tapi kali nih..aku apply dulu baru i dont really feel guilty untuk kesana kesini..

Had my check up kat DSH (hopefully final one lah)..according to DrM, the baby weight dah increase from 2.99kg (last 2 weeks) to 3.4kg (wic is bigger than Nabila when she was born)but for me, its only estimation weight and i dont really suprised if the ultrasound gives me bigger figures than the actual . She advised me to go for induction scheduled next week tapikkkk aku belom bersedia for that..i still need to fullfill my makan sedap hajat and really prepare myself for confinement period.Takdelah..sebenarnya aku nak melahirkan secara normal, sakit or pecah ketuban dulu and without any induction pills. As long as its not over 40weeks that is ok. She also said that the baby is still not fully engaged pun but on the same time she advise for force labour..heh takmo lah aku..

Dah habis cerita kat DSH, we (hubster & I ler) went for our late breakfast kat *ismail and we went to Maxis after that..apa yg kitorang buat kat Maxis?? hmm story later..

Dah selesai semua, balik rumah, hubster need to pick up SIL2 kat UM and then we straightaway go for lunch kat Sg* Penchala.

Balik rumah and we get ready to go out again but this time with Nabila..kesian plak kat dia..tak dibawa berjalan..went to Ikano/curve..mencari brg baik..tapi tak berapa nak jumpa (adake ayat cenggini?)

Tak lama pun kat sana then again went back home and get ready for another outing ke OU plak..kali nih Nabila tinggal..tak larat nak bwk dia dah sebab shes getting out of control..haha
And before that, Soul, aku dah gi dah beli kapkek kat situ..nih sumer gara-gara melihat blog ko lah nih..

Akhirnya dapat gak membeli barangan yg dicari kat OU and on the same time aku sempat beli nursing bra..cuma satu benda jek yg tak sempat nak buat hari nih wic is gunting rambut..i just cannot stand with my rambut anymore..hubster offer to cut my takpelaaa..ahahahha

To add sweetness to my story, hubster beli half dozen of BA donut..wahhh..bukan main lagik aku hari nih..makan semua nye yg manis2 jek..sebaik lah dah lepas pergi check up..kalau tak terpaksa lah cover makan sbb nak jaga sugar level...hehe

And by the time typing this Nabila dah tido kepenatan gara-gara berlari-larian anak masa kat ikano/curve siang td, still have another 2 cupcakes and 2 donuts to indulge, just waiting for my husband to come home (adeke dia kena gi kerja plak senja-senja tadik).

ahaa..itulah cerita satu hari aku bercuti..dannn esok kerjaaaa...

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