Thursday, April 30, 2009

And what? its only 8 days..

How am I doing so far? hmm so far so good..boleh la..and i think this time..masa dalam pantang is better that the one i had during Nabila.

Macam mana life with 2 children? Bukan sng nak handle 2 anak dalam satu masa tapi buat masa nih syukur coz hubster sgt memahami begitu juga dgn my takdela aku amik kesempatan nak lepaskan nabila all the time with maid while im dealing with baby..macam sekarang nih..nabila tgh tido sama dgn baby while my left hand kena lock by Nabila..and now typing with one hand..hahah supermom kah aku..owhh tidak!!

Thank God for the invention of wifi around the house and at least boleh lah aku curik-curik online time dorang tido..nak bukak laptop time nabila ada?? jgn haraplah aku boleh buat kerja..

i try to make full use of my pantang untuk turunkan berat badan..kata-kata semangat dari makcik urut aku membuatkan aku lg semangat nk jaga makan.hehh

i now change my menu from nasik to oat..i will have early brekkie with a mug of horlick..then after my urut session habis, i will get hungry jugak la since im fully bfeed my baby then will hv a slice or two wholemeal bread with jam or honey to give myself energy plus a mug of milo with oat..

For lunch plak, aku akan bancuh dalam 4 spoonfull of oat, since oat ni akan kembang so u will get more than enough for one serving and add in with 2 spoonfull of nasik, had it with vegesoup or anything lah..ikan goreng ke daging goreng ke..sedap tak sedap tadah jugak lah anak tekak utk telan benda berkhasiat ittew..hahah
same goes with my dinner too..

so harap2kan dalam masa 44 hari nih i will get to my pre-preg weight dengan lebih mudah..oat nih pun bagus nye bukan tu saja..boleh jugak tambah susu it also benefited my baby...

Tak banyak aktiviti yg dapat aku buat untuk masa sekarang walaupun aku nih agak degil nak dok dendiam dalam bilik.. i will move around macam org bukan dalam pantang tapi with a slower motion..macam org lepas bersunat gitu..hehe

and owh..tomorrow is my hubster 29th birthday..Happy Birthday sayang..unfortunately i cant prepare anything for u rite now..tunggu la lepas habis pantang nanti yea..wishing u a great year ahead...and I love u with all my heart... :))))


Soulie said...

wahhh zet, ko mmg terel control makan! i wish aku setegar macam ko nanti hehe

zetty said...

tegar tak tegar lah..yg penting nak cantekk tak????

Soulie said...

huhu mmg nak cantek but food pon cantek tok dimakan! hiyarkkk aku sangat degey

zetty said...

hahahha sabar jek laa