Thursday, December 18, 2008

Im glad to know that :-

Is it safe to eat really spicy foods during pregnancy?

Expert Answers
Mary Lake Polan, chair emeritus of the department of gynecology and obstetrics, Stanford University School of Medicine, CA
Spicy foods are safe for your baby, but they may make you uncomfortable, especially if you're not used to them. Many pregnant women suffer from heartburn, and spicy foods may aggravate that.

Carol Archie, associate clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology, University of California, Los Angeles
It's safe, but whether it's desirable is up to you. Your body will tell if you shouldn't do it. Eating spicy foods may be uncomfortable, especially in the last half to last third of pregnancy, when your stomach is sitting somewhere near your throat and you're very prone to heartburn. And some women develop heartburn even earlier in pregnancy.

I eat a lots of pedas food nowadays..kira macam wajib pedas..kalau tak pedas tak shiok..and for me kepedasan dapat menghilangkan rasa loya...and while typing this, im munching wasabi green peas..ahaks!! nyaman...!

But one thing im worried about :-

Is it safe to carry around my toddler when I'm pregnant?

Expert Answers
M.J. Hanafin, certified nurse midwife and nurse practitioner in private practice, San Anselmo, CA
It depends on how heavy the toddler is and how far along in pregnancy you are. You don't have your tummy muscles to help you lift, and if you don't use good back mechanics when lifting, you could get back problems. So be sure to always bend your knees and keep your back straight when lifting. In general you shouldn't be lifting heavy things, more than 5 or 10 pounds, when you're pregnant. Obviously a toddler weighs more than that, so it's not a good idea to carry her once you've gone past 30 weeks.

Kay Daniels, assistant clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA
It all has to do with biomechanics. Basically you shouldn't pick up anything greater than 25 pounds, so if your toddler weighs more than that, I'd try to avoid carrying him around. It's not that it puts the pregnancy at risk; it puts your back at risk. As the uterus expands, the abdominal muscles no longer give support to your back muscles so when you're lifting things you have little back support. If you do have to pick something up, make sure to bend your knees.

I always had to carry Nabila around..with her almost 13kgs plus the baby in the womb yang around 400gms..kadang2 aku rasa macam org kuat..but i do feel sakit at certain places esp kat lower part of my body.. :(

(all info taken from

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