Reasons why i dont pick up calls :
At office
1. When im in the not going to fool myself dalam lift esp kalau ramai org in the lift by saying "hello..hello..tak dgr lah..hello" like thousand times..dah tahu dalam lift takde coverage buat apa nak pick up call kan? dan aku pun tak selesa nak becakap on the phone kat dalam lift tuh ( if happened to have a coverage pun) sbb everybody will listened (wpun ada yg buat2 muka pekak or bisu)..i dont believe those people...
And to u readers yg about to enter the lift and dah tau kat situ takde coverage..toksah lah call..buang karan jek..
2. When im in the meeting
aku bukan jenis yg "xcuse me..i need to pick up call" type of person when im in the meeting..if i managed to send sms and inform u that im in the meeting then pls sms me if u have any urgency nak bagi tau..(hidup atau mati)..later i will return ur call..
3.When im on the other kind of multitasking punya org tapi bila bab picking up calls, i cant do both at the same time..bila aku tgh on the phone wt customer or suppliers, camne plak aku nak pick up personal calls kan? tak nampak profesional lah plak..bila dah setel sesatu baru lah tenang nak becakap hal peribadi..chewaahh!
4.when im at the fax or photostat machine..benda alah nih jauh dr workstation kalau hp aku ringing pun aku tak dgr..
5.bila aku ke toilet..i dont carry around HP ke toilet unless if i really expecting call..kalau jatuh hp aku dalam lubang jamban tuh sapa nak bertanggung jawap? akak jugak yg kena beli phone baru nanti..
6.when im off to surau..nih lagik satu..takkan nak gi solat pun kena bwk hp kan..? but i wonder some people yg suke usung henpon ke surau pastu bila ada call maka bernyanyilah henpon itu dgn nada2 riang..bukankah ini akan mengganggu org lain yg nak solat..doing other thing while listening to music is OK but not while u are (or i am) praying....
At home
1. While im sleeping
korang tau kan apa maksud tido..esp if im in my deep sleep..lagik nak kena bgtau ke?
2. Mandi or doing other toilet business
should i tell more?
Macam kurang hajar sgt aku rasa bila makan dgn family pastu kena pick up i just left my phone in the room
4. While handling my 1y7mo little missy..
Wahh ini budak sgt suka akan itu henpon..dr hanpon aku jahanam..baik dont bother to pick up..later i will call u back..
5.while 'making love'
kah kah kah..apa citer beb??
1. Kalau kat shoppin complex yg bisisg..mmg lah tak dgr bunyik telephone
But i do check my HP time by time utk nak pastikan takde missed call
2. While driving
kdg2 aku pick up gak call..depends how complicated the trafic at that time..
So for general..if u cant reach me by calling, pls lah drop me least i know how important ur call that i can call u back ASAP!
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